Worship Change at Regional Assembly

By James Kubal-Komoto

Picture of Vanessa Rush Southern

Dear Pacific Western Region Congregational Leaders,

It is with disappointment that I must let you know that the Rev. Dr. William Barber, who was scheduled to preach at our Sunday morning service during our upcoming Regional Assembly, has contacted me to let know that he will be unable to attend because of a personal obligation that has created a schedule conflict for him.

I am still in conversation with Dr. Barber to determine if he will be able to participate in some part of Regional Assembly through video-conferencing technology.

While disappointed about this news, I am delighted to announce that the Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister at the First Unitarian Society of San Francisco, will preach on Sunday morning instead. Rev. Southern, a dynamic and inspiring speaker, previously preached at the Service of the Living Tradition at the 2013 UUA General Assembly.

More than 500 individuals have already registered for the PWR 2018 Regional Assembly, which will be held in Portland, OR, April 27-29. This includes not only adults but youth and children as well. See the article below about the fantastic programming planned for children and youth below. Then register online by Sunday, April 15.

Rev. Dr. James Kubal-Komoto
Pacific Western Regional Lead