Doctrine of Discovery and Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Young adult caucus at the Pro Microphone supporting resolution repudiating Doctrine of Discovery
Doctrine of Discovery

Unitarian Universalists repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery, a relic of colonialism having no place in the modern day treatment of Indigenous peoples.

For more than 45 years, Unitarian Universalists have pushed for justice for Indigenous peoples, passing a number of resolutions and actions of immediate witness. The 2012 General Assembly in Phoenix, AZ passed, at the request of immigration justice partners, a resolution condemning the Doctrine of Discovery and calling on Unitarian Universalists to study the doctrine and its impact on current-day policies, programs and beliefs.

Learn more about the Doctrine of Discovery and find ways to respond to the call to action in the 2012 resolution. Find resources to help you build partnerships for education, climate justice, and advocacy for the rights of Indigenous peoples.

The Doctrine of Discovery is built into U.S. government, laws, dominant culture, and the way we think about problems that face our nation and world. It is a frame that hides in plain sight, and its devastating effects continue to this day.

Explore the doctrine's effects today