Resources for Families: Enriching the Ground So Faith Can Grow
By Pat Kahn

The family is a huge factor in a child's faith development. Reverend Makanah Morris has likened family life to a ground in which seeds of a child's faith are planted. She writes, "The seeds are planted in the early environment, but the ground can also be prepared for spreading roots and welcoming later seeds. So, do nurture the ground as well as the seeds. Let the ground of faith development not be limited in possibility, but remain fertile to seek, find, and nurture truth in ever new and more wonder-filled ways."
Rev. Morris's words help introduce Parents as Spiritual Guides, a six-session program for UU parents available at no charge online (PDF format). The curriculum by Roberta and Chris Nelson helps parents invite spiritual growth into family life with behaviors and rituals that support this dynamic process. Parents as Spiritual Guides is just one of many tools the UUA provides to support UU parents in their role of nurturing the faith development of their families.
Ready to till the soil and plant some seeds? Here are just some ways:
CONNECT with other UU parents via the UU Parenting email list or UU Parenting Facebook group.
EXPLORE online:
UU World Family pages. “Families: Weave a Tapestry of Faith” is the pull-out section of UU World magazine with stories, activities, and parent reflections drawn from Tapestry of Faith religious education programs. Read/download online as PDFs.
Articles from UU World such as “Homegrown Religion” or “Reclaim Your Family Time” by William Doherty; “New Family Traditions” by Meg Cox; and “What Family Time?” by David Whitford.
Tapestry of Faith Curricula. Each session in every program has "Taking It Home" ideas to extend RE participants' experiences into the home and community: games, conversation starters, and ideas for making meaning in life through ritual, learning, and service.
FOLLOW blogs such as UU Parenting from Michelle Richards and Call and Response from the UUA Faith Development Office.
DOWNLOAD “Let’s Talk About...” booklets:
- Let’s Talk About Time/Money
- Let’s Talk About Respect
- Let’s Talk About Marriage and Committed Relationships
- Let’s Talk About Divorce and Broken Relationships
- Let’s Talk About Families and Loss
- Let’s Talk About Interfaith Families
BROWSE the Parent Further website from the Search Institute. Though not a UUA resource, this website is one of the most comprehensive resources for families available online, with research, articles, webinars, and more.