Widening the Welcome

Part of Leadership Training by Congregational Role

By Megan Foley, Sana Saeed, Evin Carvill Ziemer

cartoon of people lying in a circle from widening the welcome

Our mandate as Unitarian Universalists is to build Beloved Community in our congregations, and learning to draw our circles of welcome wider and wider is a growth opportunity for our churches. In this course you’ll have an opportunity to learn how to learn and practice to be ever more inclusive of all who enter your doors. Take it yourself or run it for your whole greeting team or congregation!

This course is designed to follow the outline of the Widening the Welcome Workshops offered by the Central East Region Staff in 2021-22. You can take your entire team through this course by going through each module in order. If you don’t have a team, you can do this course on your own.

Your instructors are Rev. Dr. Megan Foley, Rev. Sana Saeed and Rev. Evin Carvill-Ziemer.

Training fee: $30

Take the training Widening the Welcome

(Note: You will redirected to a separate website, UU Institute, a online learning management system (LMS) managed by the UUA.)

How To Take Trainings from the UU Leadership Institute

Register for trainings at UU Institute. Once you register you will get an email with a confirmation link that you need to click to activate the account. (You may need to check your spam folder. Please add uuinstitute.org to your safe senders list.)

There is a a full video tutorial on how register for the site, purchase a training and how to navigate the trainings.