Benefits Tune-up Workbook Plus a Tip Sheet for Congregational Staff

A portion of the Benefits Tune-up Workbook cover, featuring the Church Staff Finances Logo, the workbook titles, and a green stripe with values words set around an EKG heartbeat image.

About the Benefits Tune-up Workbook

The Benefits Tune-up Workbook is one of the most popular resources offered by the UUA Office of Church Staff Finances, helping congregational leaders understand our benefit plan rules – necessary documents, eligibility criteria, enrollment windows, and more. Ensure plan compliance by having good protocol in place for benefits administration.

For 2025, the Workbook and tip sheet reflect Retirement Plan changes associated with the Plan Restatement, along with some minor edits to other sections.


The Workbook is available in two formats. The fillable PDF version is ideal for completing electronically. The Word version is useful if you want to type in your own notations to share with teammates, but you will lose some formatting and pagination; you can upload the Word version as a Google doc (or similar) for working on as a team.

Benefits Tune-up Tip Sheet

Our Benefits Tune-up Tip Sheet (PDF) for congregational employees explains the basics of UUA benefits eligibility and enrollment so staff can advocate for themselves and their teammates from a place of knowledge and confidence.

Additional Help

We urge all congregations participating in any UUA benefit plans to complete the Workbook annually – and whenever a new congregational leader becomes responsible. Make it a team effort among a small group of staff and lay leaders with personnel and onboarding responsibilities. Once you've tuned up, let us know how it went by completing our quick survey. (You'll find multiple links to the survey within the Workbook.)

You'll want to have your own congregation's copies of these documents available as you complete the Health Plan and Retirement Plan sections of the Workbook.