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This list includes every page or product from UUA.org, UU World magazine, or inSpirit books & gifts that is tagged with #MothersDay or its children.
The prison industrial complex is built upon a cycle of re-incarceration that it perpetuates. Many folks held in cages because of unaffordable bail are there because they are caught in a vicious cycle where they are being re-arrested for past challenges with unpaid fees/fines or court cases. (1) ...
May 8, 2019 | From Love ResistsTagged as: #BlackLivesMatter, #EndMoneyBail, #LoveResists, #MothersDay, Criminal Justice, Racial Justice & Multicultural Ministries -
Long before Mother’s Day was celebrated with brunches and flower bouquets, Unitarian Julia Ward Howe wrote her Mother’s Day Proclamation to urge women across the world to join the cause of peacebuilding. Her words held a radical call to create peace that still resonates today: Our sons shall not...
By Rachel Walden | April 20, 2016 | From UU VoicesTagged as: #MothersDay, 6th Principle (World Community), Activism, Holidays & Ceremonies, Mother's Day, International Engagement & Building Peace, Reproductive Justice