LeaderLab 2024 Offerings
Rev. Renee Ruchtozke and Rev. Lillian Drab-Braddick introduce some new programming available from the UU LeaderLab team on the UU Institute and LeaderLab.
Mentioned in the video are the following resources:
- Tending Congregational Life - a new training on growth and vitality at the UU Institute.
- Congregational Interconnections - share your congregation's stories, resources, practices, successes and learnings with others and be part of our congregational practice community. Send submissions to leaderlab@uua.org
- UU Board Foundations (coming soon!) - a new training on faithful leadership for new and experienced board members which will be available by General Assembly.
To learn more about this great resource, please visit our LeaderLab pages on the UUA website to search for articles and videos. UU Institute, the UU online learning center, is where on demand trainings can be found on a wide range of topics.
If you are having issues finding something you need, please reach out to your primary contact or to cer@uua.org.