Lead with Love 2025
By Central East Region of the UUA

We are living in extraordinary times. How will Unitarian Universalists respond?
To help us all respond, the CER staff is offering the CER Learning, Transformation and Community Networking Days: Leading with Love at the Center. This is an opportunity to take time out of our lives to anchor in our shared values ... and prepare for the important work of leading thriving liberal religious communities.
In a world marked by political oppression and escalating crises, centering love is a radical and transformative act—one that calls for all of us to move into collective spiritual leadership. What grounding and skills do we need to practice Unitarian Universalism, offering this faith to ourselves, to one another, and to the world that needs us?
This event is for EVERYONE. Whether you serve on your congregation’s board, participate in committees, lead a program, serve as minister or staff, or simply love Unitarian Universalism and want to contribute, this day is for you. Join us for inter-congregational connection, skill-building led by Central East Region staff, and community-building as we model and practice loving transformation. Let us answer the call together!
You have several opportunities to attend this event. You can join us at one of the five in person days around the region. Can't attend the closest one to you? Have limited time and resources to travel to an onsite location? No problem! Join us for our online option in April.
All the details and registration are on the event page. Please check it out and bring a whole lot of folx to this great event. It will be wonderful to see you!