Resources for Congregational Leaders

By Central East Region of the UUA

word cloud of congregational life area resources

It's that time of the year again, new congregational leaders are starting the new church year and looking for resources to help them do their best. We can help!

Every congregation has a Primary Contact. The map and form on this page will help you find who yours is and their contact information. Still confused after checking this? Email and we'll get you connected.

LeaderLab is a resource rich site maintained by the congregational life staff to help you find what you need for any situation in your congregation. Please check it out!

UU Institute is a part of LeaderLab and is our online learning platform. Classes on a variety of topics for individuals and teams. Some at your own pace, some you take with a group. Of particular note is our new class, UU Board Foundations. Serving on a congregational board is an opportunity for both spiritual growth and the development of leadership skills that will serve you at work and other areas of your life. We suggest that your whole board use this training together to develop your relationships and common language and practices for you as a team and discerning body of the congregation.

Need worship help? We recommend two options:

  • WorshipWeb is a collection of service elements and yes, even full services, that your congregation can use. Like LeaderLab, fully searchable.
  • And back this year is Congregational Life's Sermon of the Month program. Monthly sermons (and suggested hymns and readings) from a variety of speakers created monthly for your use. $350 for 12 sermons, $50 discount for Honor Annual Program Fund (APF) contributors.

Social Justice is your area of need? Have you checked out the Side with Love website? You can learn more about the UUA's focus areas or participate in support and community groups. Each month they offer all sorts of gatherings and resources. There is even a listing of all events to find things near you and you can submit your congregation's events for inclusion. Be sure to visit the Action Center to find out how to get involved.

No matter what area you need help, we have resources for it. We encourage you to explore the webpages linked above and reach out to your primary contact if you need additional assistance.