Welcome to the New Blue Boat!

By Carey McDonald

You may have noticed some changes around our blogsite recently. Welcome to Blue Boat 2.0! We have reorganized, retooled and revamped our site to better serve youth and young adult Unitarian Universalists across the country. Here's a quick tour of what you can expect from our new digs:

Our New Front Door

Our landing page is now organized by topic, rather than the same four age-based quadrants used in the first generation site. This allows us to refocus on a few key areas of opportunities, issues and resources while avoiding duplicating posts, and topics will be accessible through the topline menu. Additionally, the front page is now dynamic, allowing us to add and rearrange quadrants as new issues arise throughout the year. If you just want to read the posts related to your age cohort, you can still go directly to the Youth, Young Adult and On Campus pages, which now also offer new featured content areas.

We Want YOU!

Blue Boat should be a platform for your voices and stories, so we've raised the profile of user-generated content. We made it easier for you to submit stories or suggestions through the "Submit" button on the topline menu, and will regularly feature the stories YOU submit and that describe what is going on in YOUR congregations and faith communities.

A Fresh Theme

As the entry point for thousands of young UU's, the blog is now connected directly to our social media presence and the UUA website under "YAYA @" on the topline menu. New resources like a Calendar will be available. The color scheme and logo have been updated to be reflect the energy we see in our readers, leaders and volunteers. Bottom line, we want Blue Boat to feel like home for our readers, a home that carries them to wherever their journey may lead. Thanks to our user testers, staff, consultants and volunteers that made this update possible. We'd love to hear your opinion of the new changes in the comment section below.
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