The Chrysalis Program
What do you get when you bring together dozens of UU youth, their advisors, enough newsprint to paper an entire room, snacks, energy breaks, musical instruments, games, worship and two trainers?
If you said “an excellent time,” you wouldn’t be wrong. But more specifically, you’d get one of the several Chrysalis trainings that the UUA offers for youth and adults.
Co-led by trained youth and adults, Chrysalis trainings offer opportunities to become stronger leaders, gather in community, learn about opportunities for leadership, make new friends, prepare to serve as worship leaders, chaplains, committee and board members, and more. Adults participating in these trainings also learn how best to mentor and support youth in these endeavors, how to create safe space, and gain resources for programming, planning and ministering with youth.
Chrysalis brings together many of the youth trainings offered in the past – Leadership Development Conferences, Spirituality Development Conferences, Advisor Trainings and Chaplain Training – and offers a unifying vision of multigenerational community, vibrant youth ministry and youth in leadership at all levels of our Association. Here is what some attendees have said on recent evaluations:
“Thank you so much for putting these trainings on. They are extremely valuable and help some transition easily into leadership roles that may have not been in one otherwise.” - Youth
“It helped me see the full potential of youth leadership. Because of this training, I feel a renewed energy to initiate activities and try new things in my youth group.” -Youth
“I am returning with a larger context for our work. I got the sense that we are a strong group, doing a lot of things well and I can see where we can grow.” - Advisor
Learn more about each of the trainings by visiting These trainings are great for district events, as well as abbreviated day-long youth group retreats or overnight “lock-ins” in a large congregation or cluster. If you are interested in the program, contact your district staff to find out how to attend or host a training.
Have you participated in a Chrysalis training? Let us know in the comments!