Selma Movie Discussion Guide
By Ted Resnikoff

Gain a Deeper Understanding of this Seminal Story
Ava DuVernay's movie Selma depicts the three marches in Selma, Alabama in 1965 that catalyzed passage of the Federal 1965 Voting Rights Act. Unitarian Universalists were present at this moment in history, marching and witnessing with Martin Luther King, Jr. for Civil Rights.
We recommend you see the movie, and offer this discussion guide to engage your congregation in recognition of the anniversary of this moment in the Civil Rights movement 50 years ago that engaged many Unitarian Universalists and – arguably – changed the course of our movement and the Unitarian Universalist Association.
This youth-friendly, Unitarian Universalist discussion guide, written by UU World Senior Editor Kenny Wiley, is useful to help process the meaning of Selma and explore its relevance and lessons for witnessing against inequality today. Use the one-hour workshop with a group of adults and/or youth, or use the extension ideas to foment deeper discussion or even take action.