Voice Yourself

By Ted Resnikoff

Vote pinned on noticeboard

Your Voice AND Your Vote Count

In addition to deciding who serves as President of the United States for the next four years, the election tomorrow will decide ballot issues across the the country. If you think you aren't concerned you need to think again: some issues, such as marriage equality, will be voted upon in several states and the outcome could serve to create a national consensus. Other ballot issues will be voted upon in only one state, yet you might be interested to know that in Alabama school segregation is on the ballot while in Arizona Sheriff Joe is likely to be re-elected. Issues matter – understanding them in all their complexity and the effect they could have on all of us even more so.

Forming and sharing your opinion counts even when you don't have a vote.

Study the Atlantic Monthly list of "The Ten Biggest Legal Stories to Watch on Election Night", let people know where you stand and – most importantly – vote your conscience tomorrow!