National March for Women's Lives
WHEREAS, the principles of religious liberty require the protection of the right of conscience in reproductive matters as deeply religious and personal decisions; and
WHEREAS, actions of the religious right minority, and the current US Administration, increasingly threaten access to safe and legal family planning services and abortion, not only in the United States, but also in developing countries throughout the world; and
WHEREAS, the National Organization for Women has invited the Unitarian Universalist Association to co-sponsor The National March for Women's Lives - East Coast/West Coast, the first massive march to preserve safe and legal birth control and abortion since 1973 Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision; and
WHEREAS, since 1962 the Unitarian Universalist Association has repeatedly addressed the issues of family planning and abortion rights through passage of public policy resolutions by its General Assemblies;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees of the UUA endorses and co-sponsors The National March for Women's Lives - East Coast/West Coast; commits the Association to organize delegations to participate in the marches, in Washington, DC on March 9, 1986, and in Los Angeles, CA on March 16, 1986; and calls upon UU districts and congregations to mobilize Unitarian Universalists to join in these marches to preserve reproductive freedom, and in community observances supporting the rights affirmed in the 1973 Supreme Court decision.