Sanctuary of the Soul

To those of you who are visitors here for the first time, thank you again for being with us.

If you are lonely, here you will find a warm companionship.

Here, in this sanctuary of hope, you can find a new seat at the table of life, and feast yourself on love and fellowship, and you will not hunger for the touch of a human hand or an embrace of your searching spirit.

If you are afraid or if you have been abused, if you ache with fatigue, here, you will find rest. You will be comforted, your spiritual wounds will be dressed and your courage will be returned to you. You will be led beside the still waters, and your soul will be restored.

If you seek to understand, here you will be encouraged in your search. Wonderful pathways will be lit unto you, and wherever your journeys take you, you will know that you can always come home again to this place, made sacred by our love for you.

This is a sanctuary of the soul. There are no boundaries in this cathedral of hope.

The collective wisdom of all humankind and our painful but glorious history are open to you here. Your heart and your mind need never struggle with one another in a Unitarian Universalist congregation. We have no fear of science; we have no fear of knowledge here.

If someday you decide to join us, you may feel what I have felt, in the words of author Dorothy Leigh Sayers:*

"All my life I have been wandering in the dark—but now I have found your heart(s)—and am satisfied."
"And what do all the great words come to in the end, but that?—I love you—I am at rest with you—I have come home."

*From Sayers' novel, Busman's Honeymoon