Imagine How it Could Be Better
You'll need the following props:
- A Wonder Box.
- Kirsten Hunter's picture (PNG) of a jigsaw heart.
- A picture book with sad and angry faces.
- Two puppets (Maria suggests finger puppets).
You could also share the script amongst 3 people.
Leader: What is in this wonder box? Hmmm...when I lift it, I notice that it's super lightweight. It doesn’t make a lot of sound when I move it. I don’t want to shake it too hard and mess up what is in there. Let’s see what it is...Oooo!! Puppets!

Leader: Hello Lion!
Lion: Hello!
Leader: Hello Bird!
Bird: Hello!
Leader: There is something else in here, but it looks like it is broken.
Bird: No, it’s not broken, it’s a puzzle. You're supposed to put together the pieces.
Leader: Oh!
Lion: I like puzzles with LOTS of pieces!
Bird: I don’t know about puzzles. I hope there aren’t very many pieces.
Leader: It says, “Begin. Tell a story of a mistake you made or an argument."
Bird: Lion, remember when I asked if you wanted to play with me and you said, “No!”
Leader: Has anyone ever said, “No!” When you asked them if they wanted to play? (Raise your hand or type yes in the chat.)
Lion: Yes, you wanted to play outside and I was in the middle of a building project. I was just about to put the top block on my tower and—boom!—you came running in talking about going down slides and jumping in the snow.
Leader: Good job, you two! You just told a story about your problem. That’s the first step toward getting all these puzzle pieces to fit together! Look! These pieces have words on them! "Imagine: Can you two imagine how it would feel if you weren't having an argument?"
Bird: Yes! I would play outside with Lion and go down the slide and jump in the snow.
Lion: Yes! I would finish my block tower and show it to Bird!
Leader: Umm...yes, that's imagining how it would be better, but you both have different imaginings. Can you think of something you can do to make that happen?
Bird: I felt so sad when you said you didn’t want to play with me that I started to feel mad! But I was sad that your tower got knocked down. I could say “sorry.”
Lion: I could say sorry that I said, “No!” instead of “Can you wait 10 minutes until I'm done building?”
Leader: Nice, but remember when you apologize to someone that does not mean they have to accept your apology. Sometimes, hurt relationships take conversations, reflection and reparations—taking responsibility for repairing the hurt and the friendship.
Bird: I would accept your apology, Lion!
Lion: Thanks, Bird, me too:) Can you help me build my tower?
Leader: Do you think Bird should help Lion rebuild their tower? (Raise your hand or type yes in the chat)
Leader: Another puzzle piece says, “Reflect. Give thanks and gratitude for what you do have.”
Lion: I am thankful for my blocks.
Bird: I am thankful for slides and snow!
Lion: I am thankful for Bird!
Bird: I am thankful for Lion!
Leader: Bird, earlier you said you were feeling super sad!
Lion: Yeah, and I was feeling sad, too, that Bird and I weren’t playing together.
Leader: Earlier you said you were so sad that you felt angry. Here’s a picture of “Sad and Angry.” These feelings happen between friends sometimes. The next puzzle piece says “Forgive.” Can you each forgive yourselves? Mistakes happen and that is how we learn.
Bird: Yes! And what is the last piece?
Leader: It says, “Heal.” This is a celebration piece because it means you have returned to intention now! Return to intention means that your friendship is how you imagined it.
Bird: Yay!
Lion: Yay! I am so glad we get to play together again - Let’s build!
Bird: Yes and Let’s go outside!
Lion: Yes!
Bird: ________(Leader’s Name), what is that party symbol on the last piece?
Leader: Good questions, Bird! It's a repeat sign. It means that you play or sing a piece of music over again.
Lion: But this isn’t music.
Leader: Right, Lion. This is a way to make friends with someone again after you make a mistake and have an argument. (Show puzzle put together.)
Bird and Lion: OOOOooooo! I like that!
Leader: Yes, me too. I love how this process is pretty much the same no matter your age. Start by telling the story of your mistake. Keep practicing! It's so important for all of us to have a way back to our intentions when we slip along the way. Keep in mind as well, there aren't necessarily perfect words. This is a tool you can use in many different situations and over and over again. Thanks for helping me today Bird and Lion. Good bye!
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