Offering Call for Growing Our Diversity
Somos una gente del arco iris. We are a rainbow people. The rainbow is an arc of light brilliantly displaying all the colors of the visible spectrum, all the colors that combine to make the astounding beauty of our world, all the colors that combine to reflect the astounding diversity of human expression.
Nous sommes de peuples des d’arc-en-ciel. We are Red people who Respect others. We are Orange people who offer faith and kind treatment. We are Yellow people yearning for learning.
Somos una gente del arco iris. We are Green people who grow in our search for truth and meaning. We are Blue people who believe in what we are achieving. We are Indigo people insisting on freedom, love, and peace. We are Violet people, valuing the web that does not cease and we did not create.
Nous sommes de peuples des d’arc-en-ciel. Unitarian Universalism shows up refracted through thousands of different human expressions and experiences, through individuals living our promises, through covenanted communities, through our associations and our actions.
We are a rainbow people. Together, what we give heals and transforms our world. This is our covenant, our bridge of heaven, our dream and our reality.The flame of the chalice, lit around our world, is the source of light and the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. The flame of that chalice is filled with the light we bring, and nurtured by our hopes and dreams. We know the rainbow begins with you and with me.
For, somos una gente del arco iris. Nous sommes de peuples des d’arc-en-ciel. We are a rainbow people. Let us grow the rainbow again today.
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