We create a web of life.

    We create a web of life.
This is finally the time to let go of that crazy notion that we can live separate and aloof from one another
    We create a web of life.
This is the time at last that we can come home to each other, to our mutual belonging.
    We create a web of life.
And we create a web of life out of which every single one of us can use everything our stories have given us.
    We create a web of life.
Every part of our lives... even the cruelty, even the abuse, even the addictions, even the loneliness, even the failures...
    We create a web of life.
A web of life is created within which you can rest in that knowing. Because out of that you can act. Out of that, all power is yours. Out of that, you travel light. Out of that, you can step forward.
    We create a web of life.
Let every encounter be a homecoming as we step forward now for the healing of our world. The world is not going to be saved by good people or noble people. The world is going to be healed by ordinary people, like you and me, who are not afraid of pain and who are not afraid of loving each other. Amen.

Adapted by the author from a transcript of a radio show with Joanna Macy on KPFA, Berkeley, CA, February, 1991. Original transcription by Rain Border.