Stirrings of Compassion

Against a blue sky, a branch with delicate yellow blossoms.

Great Spirit of life, Spirit of love,
God of many names and no names,
Come unto us, for we know not what to do about the invasion of Ukraine and the many heartbreaking wars around this world.
We know not what to do for all those who are suffering.
Sing in our hearts all the stirrings of compassion;
Compassion for the oppressed, for those who are scared and hurting;
compassion for those who are sick and in pain.
Blow in the wind, rise in the seas,
May we listen to the stirrings of our earth,
and together protect our beautiful planet that holds and nourishes us.
Move in our hands so we may give life the shape of justice,
that all may experience equity, freedom, and dignity.
Roots hold us close so we may feel a connection to this earth
and to one another, interconnected in all.
Wings set us free, so we may soar with inspiration, creativity, and vision.
Spirit of life, come to us, so we may be whole and live lives of value and purpose.

Note: this prayer was inspired by the language in Carolyn McDade's hymn, "Spirit of Life" (#123 in Singing the Living Tradition)