Prayer after Communion

Spirit of Life and Love, Holy One of our Being and our Becoming,
That which is sacred Within, Among, and Beyond us…
We have been blessed today by this community of compassion, comfort, and kindness. We’ve confessed that we've broken our vows a thousand times, and we have extended to and received from one another the grace of forgiveness. In joy, we have remembered that while there is a raging river of oppression between us and the liberated shore, the bridge is already under construction.
Great Spirit, called by many names and no name, we seek help and hope in the remembrance of the ancestors who have gone before us, and we pray with our hearts and our bodies that one day liberation will be realized.
Spirit of sacredness among us, may our connections to one another encourage us as we engage in the eternal struggle to cross over that river of oppression.
Great Mystery, keep in our hearts our commitments to the generations to come, to those who will learn from our example and traverse whatever bridge we construct, and give us the strength to forsake our privilege in the name of justice. Blessed be and Amen.
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