Advent Prayers

Four Advent candles in a row in front of a deep black background. All four are lit. The third from the left is pink, and the others are purple.

[To be prayed following the chalice lighting on the four Sundays of Advent while lighting the Advent candle wreath.]

First Advent Candle — On this first week of advent, the waiting time in the Christian calendar, when we begin to anticipate our celebration of the birth of Jesus, we light a candle of hope with this prayer which recalls the Christian roots of our Unitarian Universalist faith.

Blessed creator, who moves in the dark, teach us to hope.

Help us to be ready, to appreciate the spark of light
that comes to illumine our hearts,
and show the way toward love and peace.

Help us to find breath to call out injustice,
to speak words of love to those in need,
to whisper in the wind that there is good in this world and enough to share.

In the true belief that someday this world can become a Beloved
Community that holds us all in care, we light this candle of Hope.


(Light one purple candle.)

Second Advent Candle — On this second week of advent, the waiting time in the Christian calendar, when we begin to anticipate the celebration of the birth of Jesus, we light a candle of peace with this prayer which recalls the Christian roots of our Unitarian Universalist faith.

Maker of the universe whose being is in all things,
both in the day and the night, eternal, teach us to seek peace.

Help us to find that which brings calm to our breath and compassion to our
hearts, and show the way toward a loving and peaceful world.

Help us to light the way toward justice,
to be a candle in the window, a star in the night sky, a way to find the path
that leads us in the ways of peace.

In the true belief that someday this world can become a Beloved
Community that holds us all in care, we light this candle of Peace.


(Light the purple candle that’s already partly burned and one more purple candle.)

Third Advent Candle — On this third week of advent, the waiting time in the Christian calendar, when we begin to anticipate the celebration of the birth of Jesus, we light a candle of joy with this prayer which recalls the Christian roots of our Unitarian Universalist faith.

Beautiful mother of creation, you who imbue every facet of this universe
with the spark of all being, teach us to find joy.

Help us to open our hearts wide enough to let in the wonder of miracles,
the anguish of suffering, the blessings of compassion, the beauty of Truth.

Help us to know that our hearts and our fists are of the same size,
that the work of our hands must always be guided by the love of our hearts,
to not only speak truth in the halls of power,
but to sing out for the joy of change and of justice.

In the true belief that someday this world can become a Beloved
Community that holds us all in care, we light this candle of Joy.


(Light two purple candles that are already partly burned and one pink candle.)

Fourth Advent Candle — In this final week of advent, as we anticipate the celebration of the birth of Jesus now near at hand, we light a candle of love with this prayer which recalls the Christian roots of our Unitarian Universalist faith.

Spirit of Life and of Love, that which loves through all beings, entwining
together the whole and holy universe, teach us to give love.

Help us to bring our full hearts to community, to find and to give love
immeasurable with a generous spirit and a joyous heart.

Help us to be ever blessed with the knowledge that all matter is connected,
That we are a part of the whole. Teach us to know that we are never alone,
for the whole of creation moves in and through us in every moment of our lives.

So may we return this immense love
in the compassion, generosity, and justice that we offer to the world.

In the true belief that someday this world can become a Beloved
Community that holds us all in care, we light this candle of Love.


(Light two purple candles that are already partly burned, one pink candle, and then our final purple candle.)