Witnesses of the World / Testigos del mundo

An abstract pattern of paint, with bright orange, dark blue, and white.

It is now, when we are called as witnesses of the world.
To mend it, to change its course, to restore it.
It is now, when we are called to act on our values,

Not to hide, not to fear, but to be bold and loud.
It is now that we are called to continue our fight for justice,
To organize, to speak up.
It is now.
Let us gather, let us give each other courage,
Let us worship.

Es ahora que estamos llamados a ser testigos del mundo:
a enmendarlo, a cambiar su curso, a restaurarlo.
Es ahora que somos llamados a vivir nuestros valores,
a no escondernos, a no temer sino a ser audaces y a hacer ruido.
Es ahora que somos llamados a continuar nuestra lucha por la justicia:
a organizarnos, a levantar las voces
Es ahora, reunámonos, démonos valor unos a otros. Celebremos.