First Comes the Waiting
This is the season of endings and beginnings,
when the small signs of dawn pierce through the night and something new is born.
But first comes the waiting.
First come the lessons of endings and beginnings.
The Presence of Life, the sheltering Spirit of Love,
grieves with those sweeping up the debris of loss;
waits with those who restlessly reach out for change;
grants us courage in the night to guard each other’s dreams for this holy, wondrous universe.
Grant us, oh Universe unfolding in mystery, a sense of your timing.
May we loosen our grip on that which doesn’t serve us,
leaving behind that which we have outworn and outgrown.
Teach us the lessons of beginnings.
Remind us that such waitings and endings may be a starting place,
a planting of seeds which bring to birth what is ready to be born –
something right and just and different;
a new song, a deeper relationship, a fuller love –
in the fullness of time.
Author | Erika Hewitt |
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