We Thank You God for Potlucks

We thank you God for potlucks
Where a multitude can cook
With ingredients and spices
That aren’t from just one book.
From casseroles and dumplings,
Hors d’oeurves and canapés,
Puddings, sauces, pastas,
To sensational flambés.
How boring when there’s just one dish
Or flavor to fit all.
How yummy and much more delish
When our feast’s a free-for-all.
Our faith is like a banquet too,
With many forms of seasoning
Where Christians, Rastafarians and Jews
All do their separate reasoning.
But all can share one table,
Break bread and sit to eat,
Enriched by our diversity
From pumpernickel to whole wheat.
So we are our own blessing;
Our gratitude’s made real
When we as friends can feed and serve
Each other in life’s meal.
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