Holy and Creative Light,
Eternal One, addressed by the human heart through many names, but never to be encompassed by any name, even the holiest: we would know more of ourselves within this hour. We would find more light, knowing dimly somehow that to be a human is, precisely, to be responsible. To feel shame at the sight of misery condoned; to feel shame when we hear of suffering shrugged away; to resist the inroads of arrogant wrong from whatever quarter; to struggle against oppression. We would stand up with quiet strength, and together plant our tree of justice and truth, our flower of mercy, our stone of understanding, our foundation for peace. May wonder and adventure, curiosity and humor, live in us always. May we search in faith for the green fields beyond the desert of this time, and look for the dawn coming over the sea's horizon rim, and for the stars beyond the dark. Amen.
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