Candle Meditation for the High Holy Days

Introduction: In our time of meditation this morning, we are going to continue to work on the issue of forgiveness. I invite you to continue to hold in your mind and heart, the situation of hurt that you were thinking about during the sermon. After the words of meditation, you will have some time to continue to ponder, and those who wish may come forward and silently light the candles which are on the stands as a symbol of your hope for healing and your willingness to take whatever the next step in that process would be for you. When you are ready to light your candle, please come down the side aisle and return to your seat via the center aisle. Now, I invite you to turn to #637 in your hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition; we'll read together.

Responsive Reading #637

I invite you now into a time of silence, and, when you are ready, to light a candle of hope and healing.

Silent Meditation

Minister: Peace be with you

Response: And also with you

Holy One, we bring to this moment our memories of past evils, those done to us, and those in which we are implicated. We bring the joys and sorrows of our hearts, and the milestones and celebrations of our lives. We bring our fears about the future and the connections we feel to this community, this city, this landscape, this world. Help us to hold all these things and yet to go forward into the week and into our lives in peace and in determination. Amen.