A Prayer on the Occasion of an Ordination
Gracious and loving Lord,
in perfect assurance of Your presence here
we pray your fulfillment of these blessings upon this minister
who has been called from among these people to assume the office of
pastor, preacher, prophet and servant.
God, we pray that you will utterly possess N. in all of his/her duties, that he/she may daily incarnate your love and mercy with those he/she is called to serve,
never flagging in commitment, never despairing of the ultimate coming of your kingdom, and never doubting the sincere desire of his/her people to be brought closer to God through all the ways of justice and compassion.
Let this your servant N. begin and end every day with you, dear God, renewing his/her faith and repairing it where it is weak;
praying into the mysteries of life and death which s/he will be called upon to celebrate, and to endure, with his/her people;
fearlessly examining his/her conscience for sins of commission or omission and resolving cheerfully to make reparation where it is needed;
searching his/her soul for sources of integrity and steadfast faith;
turning over his/her weariness to Your care;
relinquishing his/her failures toYour mercy,
and refreshing the vows that s/he makes here today.
We devoutly hope that strength of body, mind and spirit shall remain his/her primary fortunes all his/her life long, and that s/he will be constantly refreshed in those powers by the judicious expenditure of them.
Bring our N. joy in ministry, Divine One, and we will give you praise for all that you do through this imperfect but obedient and devoted vessel.
Bring him/her joy, and let him/her be your instrument in every act and every prayer,
for however long and in whatever places it may please and serve You.
All this we pray with devout thanksgiving for your many blessings. Amen.
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