Interfaith Prayer for the World
In the spirit of love and compassion, let us pray.
Spirit of Life, gods of many names, be in our hearts and minds as we come together today to pray for our world. We come today as people of privilege, grateful for this blessing, and hopeful for our future. Let us know that each from our own tradition comes today to lift our spirit in unity. Knowing that we are part of an interconnected web of life, let us acknowledge and embrace our oneness. We pray that we may be loving and able stewards of this world. We pray that we acknowledge our differences as we seek out our common ground, each of us working toward the good of all. We recognize that there is hurt and sorrow, deeds that confound us, and actions for which we can find no justification. Yet, we also know that there is untold good, folks that work every day for the benefit of all people. Let us stand with them. We pray that we have the strength to recognize the inconvenience of our soul work and to overcome the inertia that invades us during these difficult times. We pray that while we recognize the occasional tiredness in our bones and in our hearts, that we call upon the strength of our higher power that we might be the best person that we are called to be. Yes, let us be the good we want to see in others. Let us work to be the change that we seek. As we renew these goals in our hearts, let us say, Amen.
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