Litany of Solidarity

Please join me in a litany of solidarity. Many of us face oppression, or our loved ones face oppression, and we fear that oppression will worsen. In our litany, I will name positions of privilege in our society and those who are less privileged who, as Unitarian Universalists, we are called to be in solidarity with.
If you are part of the privileged identity group, please respond to each call for solidarity with, “We pledge our support,” to those of the marginalized group.
Those of us who are heterosexual or cis-gendered honor the LGBTQ community and commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. “We pledge our support.”
Those of us who are white or Euro-American honor people of color—black, Latinx, Asian, and indigenous—and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us who have not been imprisoned honor those who have been incarcerated, and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us who are not Muslim honor our Muslim neighbors; those who are not Jewish honor our Jewish neighbors; and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us who are insulated from the effects of climate change honor those on the front lines, and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us who identify as men honor women, trans people, and genderqueer people, and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us from middle- or upper-income households honor those who struggle with poverty and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us who are neurotypical and of presently healthy body honor those who are differently-abled and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us who have American citizenship honor those who are immigrants and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us who have reliable health-care access honor those who don’t and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
Those of us who have not experienced violence honor those who are survivors and we commit ourselves to acts of solidarity. "We pledge our support."
For all those who suffer from prejudice, poverty, violence, disaster, illness, and environmental degradation who we have not named or perhaps do not know yet, we keep our hearts and minds open to solidarity in new ways to new people. "We pledge our support."
May we each and all use the power we have as allies to our family, friends, and neighbors who are suffering.
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