Live into Love

A green wooden door set in an ivy-covered wall. The door is locked with a padlock. On the upper part of the door, at about eye level, there is a small hole in the shape of a heart.

Today in UU congregations all over the world, people will gather in an effort to live into, as best as we can, what we profess about placing love at the center of all we do.

What a magnificent challenge. We are currently living in times baiting us not to love. The social and political atmosphere in which we travel insidiously tempts us to find fault, place blame, point fingers, and increase that which can tear us apart. And yet, we practice a faith—often imperfectly, because after all we are human—but we continue to practice a faith where we are called to answer the question, what is the most loving thing I can do right now?

What an astounding challenge! What an unbelievably vital attempt! What an incredibly needed beacon for the future of us all!

So as we gather today to support each other in living this mission, may the light of our flaming chalice breathe life and love into every one of our congregations and into those, who by the very nature of this calling, have this great and wonderful opportunity to live into love in these days filled with so many struggles and so much possibility.

May that be so.