Displaying 11 - 20 of 52

This list includes every page or product from UUA.org, UU World magazine, or inSpirit books & gifts that is tagged with Worship Tips or its children.

Visit the home page for Worship Tips.

  • Are you already livestreaming and want to do more to integrate the online and in person participation? Here are some practical tips!

    Book | By George Carvill, Evin Carvill Ziemer, Renee Ruchotzke | November 17, 2021 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: Worship Tips
  • Rev. Jim Keat gives his Top 10 Tips for Hybrid Worship. As the Digital Minister of Riverside Church he has important wisdom to share for our new world. Most ministers and lay leaders are not trained in simultaneous in person and online presentation, but doing this well is vital for full inclusion.

    Book | November 16, 2021 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: Worship Tips
  • Introduction and Overview of Camera Options video text Audio video text OBS video text Camera Mounting and Placement video text Lighting video text If You Need Help video text...

    By Warren Brown, Renee Ruchotzke | October 29, 2021 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: Worship Tips, Disability & Accessibility
  • Church is for helping people stay human in the face of inhumane circumstances.

    Audio Recording | By Erika Hewitt, Elizabeth Stevens | August 2, 2021 | From WorshipLab
    Tagged as: Brokenness, Disaster or Crisis, Presence, Self-Care, Trauma, Worship Tips
  • When we learn to dismantle the markers and habits of white supremacy in our worship life, we get free together.

    Leader Resource | By Erika Hewitt, Julica Hermann de la Fuente | July 30, 2021 | From WorshipLab
    Tagged as: #8thPrinciple, #BlackLivesMatter, Anti-Oppression, Equity, Justice, Worship Tips
  • Meaningful programming, theological depth, and ways to connect your congregation on UUA Worship and Inspiration page

    June 30, 2021 | From MidAmerica News
    Tagged as: Worship Tips
  • When designing an online memorial service there are some worshipful elements that can enhance the experience.

    By Renee Ruchotzke | April 8, 2020 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: #COVID19, Rites of Passage, Worship Tips
  • Many Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities are choosing to livestream their worship services during the pandemic so that members can connect to their faith community at a familiar time. Creating online worship—whether it's live or recorded—involves a series of learning curves,...

    Webinar | By Erika Hewitt | March 18, 2020 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: #COVID19, Worship Tips
  • When physical presence is not possible, we can still do our best to create time and space to gather in virtual space until such time that a physical gathering is possible.

    Book | By Renee Ruchotzke | April 3, 2020 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: #COVID19, Pastoral Care, Rites of Passage, Worship Tips
  • A quality Sunday morning experience online does not need to be complicated or highly technical. Especially helpful for smaller congregations.

    March 13, 2020 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: #COVID19, Worship Tips, Trauma Response, Small Congregations