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This list includes every page or product from UUA.org, UU World magazine, or inSpirit books & gifts that is tagged with Mid-Size Congregations or its children.
Out of space? Good for you! Here are some things to think about and plan for. Going to two services offers advantages beyond solving space problems. It offers choices in service timing, for instance. This might seem like a small matter at this point, but congregations who shrink from two services to one often find that their attendance shrinks by about 10% when they do.
Leader Resource | By Christine Robinson | April 3, 2018 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Membership Growth & Outreach, Mid-Size Congregations, Worship -
(Atlanta, GA, 2000) Following a morning worship service, Alban Institute consultant Alice Mann was introduced to lead the day's learning experience on "Navigating Change in the Midsize Congregation." Mann, the author of "The In-Between Church," is an Episcopal priest who has been involved in...
By Alice Mann, Deborah Weiner | January 17, 2018 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Shared Ministry Teams, Membership Growth & Outreach, Mid-Size Congregations