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This list includes every page or product from UUA.org, UU World magazine, or inSpirit books & gifts that is tagged with Large Congregations or its children.
How might fees for Sunday School impact your congregation?
Leader Resource | By Stefan Jonasson | March 19, 2006 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Children's Faith Development, Large Congregations, Membership Growth & Outreach -
Establishing good communication practices and healthy boundaries are essential to attracting and keeping good staff. This article gives an overview of good practices, with special tips for congregations of various sizes.
Leader Resource | By Stefan Jonasson | June 1, 2003 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Staffing & Supervision, Governance for Congregations, Large Congregations -
All congregations must understand that the instruments of congregational polity will vary with the size of the congregation. The practices of governance must be suited to the characteristics of the individual congregation.
Leader Resource | June 1, 2005 | From LeaderLabTagged as: Governance for Congregations, Large Congregations, Small Congregations -
All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa votes to move church downtown, out of wealthy, largely white neighborhood, in time for centennial in 2021.
By Kenny Wiley | May 29, 2017 | From UU WorldTagged as: Growth, Anti-Racism, Loans/Mortgages, Large Congregations