Workshop 4: Respect Part of Virtue Ethics: An Ethical Development Program for High School Youth In This Section Introduction From Virtue Ethics The soul that is within me no man can degrade. — Frederick Douglass Today's workshop focuses on respect. Respect, like several other virtues, goes both ways: One should respect others, and one must respect oneself.... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Virtue Ethics Activity Minutes Opening 15 Activity 1: Story — Joseph Jordan 10 Activity 2: Two Sides to Every Virtue 10 Activity 3: Dilemma 20 Activity 4: Respect Role Models 10 Activity 5: Practice 20 Faith in Action: Respect Videos Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Real Life Challenges Alternate Activity 2:... Spiritual Preparation From Virtue Ethics Spend time reflecting on the first Unitarian Universalist Principle: the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Does this translate into "respect everyone?" Why, or why not? Are there people in your life for whom you have lost respect? How did that happen? How do you feel about the loss?... Opening From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Group covenant (Workshop 1) Optional: Bicycle Rack newsprint sheet (Workshop 1) Optional: Alternate Activity 1, Real Life Challenges Preparation for Activity R... Activity 1: Story - Joseph Jordan From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "Building Respect: Reverend Joseph Jordan" Preparation for Activity Read the story so you can present it effectively. Optional: Copy the story for all participants.... Activity 2: Two Sides to Every Virtue From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity Participants identify positive and negative aspects of the virtue of respect. Invite youth to sit for a moment and think about "respect" as a virtue.... Activity 3: Dilemma From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, Respect Dilemmas Preparation for Activity Adapt the Leader Resource to include just the dilemmas you plan to use in this activity. Make copies-for yourself, for volunteer role-players, and, if you wish, for all participants.... Activity 4: Respect Role Models From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A large, soft ball or a small pillow Preparation for Activity Read Alternate Activity 3, which offers an extension of this activity. If you have time, you may wish to substitute Alternate Activity 3 here.... Activity 5: Practice From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Participants' journals, and writing instruments Participants' clipboards with anklets (Workshop 1, Activity 3, Practice) Beads, and waterproof markers and/or other decorations Extra clipboards and string/hemp, and sciss... Closing From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Adapt the Taking It Home section and copy for all participants. Optional: Print the closing quotation (below) for a volunteer to read. Description of... Leader Reflection and Planning From Virtue Ethics Reflect on the workshop with your co-leader. Which activities did the group enjoy the most? Were varied learning styles addressed? When volunteers were sought, did any of the quieter participants step forward?... Faith In Action: Respect Videos From Virtue Ethics Materials for Activity A variety of costumes and props Optional: A video camera Optional: A computer with Internet connection Preparation for Activity Two options are suggested for creating respect videos: live actors on film or cartoons created using software available on the Internet.... Alternate Activity 1: Real Life Challenges From Virtue Ethics Materials for Activity "Bicycle Rack" newsprint sheet from Opening Description of Activity Youth discuss ethical challenges they have faced. If someone shared an experience in check-in or during any workshop activities that the group would like to explore further, do so now. This could be... Alternate Activity 2: Easy A, the Movie From Virtue Ethics Activity time: 120 minutes Materials for Activity DVD of the film Easy A (PG-13, directed by Will Gluck, 2010) DVD player and digital projector or large monitor Preparation for Activity The movie deals with sexual topics. Preview it to determine its suitability for your group. Test electronic... Alternate Activity 3: Respect Role Models, Part 2 From Virtue Ethics Materials for Activity Drawing paper and drawing implements including color markers, multicultural skin tone markers, crayons, and/or color pencils Description of Activity Tell the group: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, one of our faith ancestors, said, "The respect that is only bought by gold is n... Taking It Home: Respect From Virtue Ethics The soul that is within me no man can degrade. — Frederick Douglass IN TODAY'S WORKSHOP... we heard about Joseph Jordan, the first ordained African American Universalist minister. We identified aspects of his life that exemplified respect. We named respect role models and acted out respect... Building Respect Reverend Joseph Jordan 1842-1901 Janeen K Grohsmeyer From Virtue Ethics When Joseph Jordan (pronounced Jerden) was born in Virginia in 1842, slavery was still legal. Most people of African descent were treated as property, like horses or dogs. They were bought and sold; they had no rights. Whether enslaved or free, people of color were not treated with respect.... Leader Resource 1: Respect Dilemmas From Virtue Ethics Dilemma 1 People, especially women and girls, are often told to respect their bodies and themselves by rejecting pressure to have sex when they do not want to. Saying "no" is associated with good self-esteem and sexual health.... Find Out More From Virtue Ethics Read more about Rev. Joseph Jordan on the websites of the Harva… Square Library and the Dictionary of Unitarian and Universalist Biography. The Respect Institute encourages the spread of respect across generations, read their "res… basics." Find food for thought in definitions, synonyms, and... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Virtue Ethics NEXT: Introduction Download all of Virtue Ethics (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.