Workshop 9: The Call for Imagination Part of Heeding the Call In This Section Introduction From Heeding the Call Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. — George Bernard Shaw This workshop invites youth to explore the importance of imagination when creating a world as it could be, instead of how it is. Through the... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Heeding the Call Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Story — The Chair Men 10 Activity 2: Environmental Justice Tea Party 25 Activity 3: If I Were a Superhero 15 Faith in Action: Read All About It Faith in Action: Allies, Phase 5 Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Continuation Story 15 Alternate Activity 2: It... Spiritual Preparation From Heeding the Call The creative process often surprises people as they allow imagination to take hold. A painter may use different colors or paint a different scene than first imagined. A dancer may discover new steps when letting imagination unfold.... Opening From Heeding the Call Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Write the chalice lighting words on newsprint and post. Description of Activity Gather youth in a circle. Welcome first-time participants.... Activity 1: Story - The Chair Men From Heeding the Call Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copy of the story "The Chair Men" Preparation for Activity Read the story until you are comfortable presenting it. Optional: Make copies of the story for youth to share and read along. Description of Activity A story invites youth to consider how... Activity 2: Environmental Justice Tea Party From Heeding the Call Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Questionnaire Leader Resource 1, Environmental Justice Tea Party Introduction and Roles Pens or pencils Cups, spoons and teapot A choice of herbal teas and honey Preparation for Activity Cut apart the roles in Leader Resource 1,... Activity 3: If I Were a Superhero From Heeding the Call Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Costume items and props: pieces of fabric, ties, hats, pipe cleaners, rope and string Paper, pens or pencils Description of Activity Youth dream big about changing the world. Announce that it is time to change the world.... Closing From Heeding the Call Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Taking It Home for all participants Description of Activity Distribute Taking It Home. Invite youth to stand in a circle and say one word that speaks to a dream they hope to fulfill. Thank first-time participants for their contributions to... Leader Reflection and Planning From Heeding the Call As you lead this workshop did you experience a sense of the importance of dreams and imagination to social justice work? Youth are often full of energy and ideas. Were the youth in your group willing to dream and dream big?... Faith In Action: Read All About It From Heeding the Call Description of Activity Imagine a world of Environmental Justice Superheroes! Publish a comic book (one edition or more) about the work that your congregation is doing to qualify as a Green Sanctuary. Or nominate members of the community outside of your congregation who are Environmental Justice... Faith In Action 2: Allies, Phase 5 From Heeding the Call Materials for Activity Handout 1, Oppression Continuum, or projected Justicemakers Guide, from Workshop 5 Handout 2, Ally Action 5 The returned handouts from the last workshop Pens or pencils Optional: Computer and large monitor, or projector and screen Preparation for Activity If you are using t... Alternate Activity 1: Continuation Story From Heeding the Call Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Print the beginning of the story on newsprint and post. Description of Activity Youth explore how sharing our imaginations enriches the imaginations of others.... Alternate Activity 2: It Could Be From Heeding the Call Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity One paper plate and craft stick for each youth Craft items, including old magazines, felt, glitter, paint, paint brushes, scissors and glue sticks Description of Activity Youth use their imaginations to design a mask that allows people to see the... Taking It Home From Heeding the Call Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. — George Bernard Shaw In Today's Workshop... We explored the importance of imagination when creating justice in the world. We learned about climate change and the... The Chair Men Robert Fulghum From Heeding the Call We say the young have much to learn, but I find they know and do things unfamiliar to me, so I am pleased to learn from them when I can. Example: Two young college men asked me for a ride, because they were late to work. Their summer construction job was near my office, so I was glad to oblige.... Handout 1: Questionnaire Bill Bigelow From Heeding the Call Find someone who believes that they are hurt by environmental injustice. Who is the person? How has, or might, this individual be hurt? Find someone who believes that he/she might benefit from environmental injustice. Who is the person? How might the person benefit?... Handout 2: Ally Action 5 From Heeding the Call I want to be an ally to _____________________________________________. Phase 6: Date What action do you want to take? What resources or materials do you need and how will you get them? What hazards or risks are involved? What obstacles might you encounter and how will you overcome them? What... Leader Resource 1: Environmental Justice Tea Party Introduction and Roles Bill Bigelow From Heeding the Call From "The Big One: Teaching About Climate Change." Rethinking Schools magazine, summer 2009. Used by permission. Cut the roles into separate strips of paper. Read the introduction to the group before beginning the role play.... Find Out More From Heeding the Call Hough, George Jr, and Eugene Raudsepp. Creative Growth Games. New York: Perigee Trade, 1980. Climate Change Rethinking Schools Resources for Climate Change Climate Change Education National Environmental Education Week Climate Change Resources Music for Inspiration "Imagine" by John Lennon "One... PREVIOUS: Find out More About Workshop 6: The Call for Peace UP: Heeding the Call NEXT: Introduction Download all of Heeding the Call (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.