Workshop 1: The Call for Awareness Part of Heeding the Call, Jr. High Ages 12-15: Qualities Of A Justice Maker In This Section Introduction From Heeding the Call Who thinks of justice unless he knows injustice? — Diane Glancy, Cherokee poet, from Lone Dog's Winter Count, 1991 Welcome to Heeding the Call! Throughout these workshops, youth explore some of the qualities that help us create a better world and experience how these qualities are reflected in... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Heeding the Call Activity Minutes Opening 10 Activity 1: Story — Babies in the River 10 Activity 2: Spheres of Influence 15 Activity 3: Tag-a-long 10 Activity 4: Introduction to the Justicemakers Guide 10 Faith in Action: Activists Interviews Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Activist Alphabiography 25 Alternate... Spiritual Preparation From Heeding the Call Take some time to consider your understanding of injustice. Pick up a copy of a local newspaper or check an online news source such as National Public Radio or UU World. Which stories are about injustice from your perspective? Unitarian Universalists have a long history of working for justice. Do... Opening From Heeding the Call Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle and lighter, or LED/battery-operated candle Chalice table Newsprint, markers and tape Leader Resource 1, Justice Quotes Preparation for Activity Place a cloth and/or other decorations on the chalice table. Write the chalice lighting... Activity 1: Story - Babies in the River From Heeding the Call Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copy of the story "Babies in the River" Preparation for Activity Read the story until you are comfortable presenting it. Optional: Make copies of the story for youth to read along.... Activity 2: Spheres of Influence From Heeding the Call Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 2, Spheres Diagram Large poster board and markers Preparation for Activity Copy Leader Resource 2, Spheres Diagram, on poster board. You will refer to the spheres during future workshops, so keep the poster board nearby.... Activity 3: Tag-a-long From Heeding the Call Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity If your meeting room does not have enough space to play this game, find an outdoor space close by. Description of Activity Youth illustrate influencing others with a game. Invite participants to play a game of tag. This is a variation, called... Activity 4: Introduction to the Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Option 1 Handout 1, Justicemakers Guide Pens Folders or report covers Option 2 Handout 1, Justicemakers Guide CDs Computer Large monitor or projector and screen Preparation for Activity Review Before You Start from the program Introduction, and dec... Closing From Heeding the Call Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Taking It Home for all participants Description of Activity Invite youth to stand in a circle. Thank everyone for their contributions to the group. Pass out Taking It Home and explain that it contains ideas for ways they can continue to... Leader Reflection and Planning From Heeding the Call Launching this series of workshops presents wonderful opportunities and challenges. How did youth respond to the structure of the workshop as you facilitated it? What would you like to do to prepare for the next workshop now that you have laid this foundation? Do you think youth understood how to... Faith In Action: Activists Interviews From Heeding the Call Materials for Activity 8.5 X 11 pieces of colorful poster board and tape Lined paper and pens Preparation for Activity Read the description for Alternate Activity 1, Activist Alphabiography. Description of Activity Youth discover what people, places, and things shape the lives of other activists. Alternate Activity 1: Activist Alphabiography From Heeding the Call Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Pens and paper Description of Activity This activity encourages participants to reflect on their lives and the experiences that have made them aware of who they are and their social justice activity. This activity is based on "Read Write Think.... Alternate Activity 2: Points to Ponder From Heeding the Call Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Three large pieces of construction paper and markers Painters tape Leader Resource 3, Do You Agree? Preparation for Activity Write "Agree," "Disagree," and "Unsure" on the construction paper. Post the "Agree" sign on one end of the room, the... Alternate Activity 3: Perceptions Matter From Heeding the Call Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 4, Vanity Index cards Pens or pencils Preparation for Activity Print out Leader Resource 4, Vanity. Description of Activity Youth question the power of perceptions. Hand out index cards. Tell the group you are going to show them an... Taking It Home: The Call for Awareness From Heeding the Call Who thinks of justice unless he knows injustice? — Diane Glancy, Cherokee poet In Today's Workshop... We heard a story about the importance of being aware, both with what we are experiencing firsthand and with the root causes of what we are experiencing. We also discovered a way to imagine how we... Babies in the River From Heeding the Call Once upon a time, there was a small village on the edge of a river. Life in the village was busy. There were people growing food and people teaching the children to make blankets and people making meals.... Handout 1: Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Heeding the Call Justicemakers Guide (Word)... Handout 1: Page 2 - Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Handout 1: Page 3 - Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Handout 1: Page 4 - Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Handout 1: Page 5 - Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Handout 1: Page 6 - Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Handout 1: Page 7 - Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Handout 1: Page 8 - Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Handout 1: Page 9 - Justicemakers Guide From Heeding the Call Print out the handout for Option 1, where youth keep the guide on paper. If using Option 2, cut and paste to a CD. Leader Resource 1: Justice Quotes From Heeding the Call Who thinks of justice unless he knows injustice? — Diane Glancy, Cherokee poet When a just cause reaches its flood-tide... whatever stands in the way must fall before its overwhelming power. — Carrie Chapman Catt, suffragette Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. — Martin... Leader Resource 2: Spheres Diagram From Heeding the Call From Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice: A Sourcebook by Maurianne Adams, Lee Anne Bell, Pat Griffin (New York: Routledge Press, 2007).Copy the diagram on newsprint, but not the accompanying text. You will provide the text in the course of the activity. The inner circle is the sphere of Self. Leader Resource 3: Do You Agree? From Heeding the Call Parents should carefully monitor how their children use the Internet. School violence is a major problem in this country. Bullying is a normal part of adolescent behavior. Prejudiced people cannot be changed. Jokes that focus on ethnicity, race, or sexual orientation reinforce prejudice.... Leader Resource 4: Vanity From Heeding the Call By Charles Allan Gilbert, American Illustrator (1873 — 1929).Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Find Out More From Heeding the Call Social justice The Alphabiography Activity was adapted from an activity by Read-Write-Think, a collaborative effort from the International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of English. The Free Child Project—an organization that provides tools and training to help young... PREVIOUS: Principles and Sources UP: Heeding the Call NEXT: Introduction Download all of Heeding the Call (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.