Workshop 6: Council Among the Trees, Part 1 Part of Circle of Trees In This Section Introduction From Circle of Trees Cut down the forest of desire, not the forest of trees. — The Buddha, Dhammapada 283 Workshops 6 and 7 are ideally done as one longer workshop of at least two hours. The workshops comprise an adaptation of the ritual "A Council of All Beings," presented by Joanna Macy, John Seed, Pat Fleming, and... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Circle of Trees Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering Opening 5 Activity 1: Introduction to the Council Among the Trees 5 Activity 2: Milling 15 Activity 3: Discovering Your Being and Calling Your Ally 10 Activity 4: Mask-Making 20 Faith in Action: Planning the Project 60 Closing 5... Spiritual Preparation From Circle of Trees Find a place where you can be quiet with your thoughts. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for several minutes, perhaps repeating a word or phrase to separate yourself from the activities of the day. When you feel settled and relaxed, complete Activity 3 for yourself: Allow the image of a tree or... Welcoming and Entering From Circle of Trees Materials for Activity Cloth for altar or centering table Leaf name tags from the previous workshop, plus a few blank extras, and markers Basket for name tags Preparation for Activity Place the cloth and chalice on the altar or centering table. Set the name tags in the basket with a marker nearby. Opening From Circle of Trees Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Newsprint, markers, and tape Chalice lighting words and "Our Covenant" from the previous workshop Preparation for Activity Select an area where the group can comfortably sit in a circle.... Activity 1: Introduction to the Council Among the Trees From Circle of Trees Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Drum or rattle Optional: Quiet music, such as a chant, or nature sounds, and appropriate music player Preparation for Activity Decide if Workshops 6 and 7 will be done as one longer workshop and adjust the schedule accordingly. Read through the... Activity 2: Milling From Circle of Trees Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Chime, drum, or rattle Preparation for Activity Read the activity several times so you will be comfortable leading the ritual. Plan for the possibility of an uneven number of participants. A co-leader can serve as the needed partner or you can have... Activity 3: Discovering Your Being and Calling Your Ally From Circle of Trees Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity Read the activity description several times so that you will be comfortable leading. Description of Activity Invite participants to sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Ask them to close their eyes and allow the image of a tree or part of a... Activity 4: Mask-Making From Circle of Trees Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Mask-making supplies, such as construction paper, markers or paints, stones, feathers, shells, other found and recycled objects, scissors (include left-handed), glue, glue sticks, and yarn Optional: Purchased pre-made masks to which objects can be... Closing From Circle of Trees Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Taking It Home Basket for name tags Drum or rattle Large container for storing masks, if Workshops 6 and 7 will be done separately Preparation for Activity Download the Taking It Home section of this workshop to reflect ... Leader Reflection and Planning From Circle of Trees Meet with your co-leaders after the workshop to reflect on the following: How was the mix of discussion and action? In the midst of the busy-ness, did you successfully include spiritual elements? How well did the activities include everyone? Were the activities appropriate for the ages of your... Faith In Action: Planning the Project From Circle of Trees Activity time: 60 minutes Materials for Activity Information about the project chosen in the previous workshop Newsprint and markers Preparation for Activity Review the selected project with the director of religious education and ask for feedback.... Taking It Home: Council Among the Trees, Part 1 From Circle of Trees Cut down the forest of desire, not the forest of trees. — The Buddha, Dhammapada 283 IN TODAY'S WORKSHOP ... we prepared for the Council Among the Trees ritual, which continues in Workshop 7. HOMEWORK: Take time each day to reflect on the being your mask represents.... Find Out More About Workshop 6: Council Among The Trees, Part 1 From Circle of Trees Learn more about the Deep Ecology movement in this Introduction To Deep Ecology: An Interview With Michael E. Zimmerman, by Alan Atkisson, originally published in Global Climate Change, Summer 1989.... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Circle of Trees NEXT: Introduction Download all of Circle of Trees (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.