Session 7: Miracles We Can Make Part of Miracles, Wide Age Span In This Section Introduction From Miracles Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species—man—acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world. — Rachel Carson Today’s children will have to adapt, as they grow up, to many impacts of global climate change. We hope they will also continue... Session-at-a-Glance From Miracles Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Sharing Miracle Moments 5 Activity 2: Story – Luís and Mika 10 Activity 3: Climate Detectives – Tree Rings 15 Activity 4: Energy Quest 5 Activity 5: Environmental Impact Game 15 Faith In Action: Re-use and Recycle Drive Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Make... Spiritual Preparation From Miracles Before the session, take five minutes to center yourself and think deeply about miracles, in particular regarding climate change. What miracle is needed? Find a comfortable position, and take three deep breaths.... Opening From Miracles Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice and LED/battery-operated candle Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Write the chalice lighting words on newsprint, and post. Description of Activity Gather participants in a circle around the chalice. Welcome new... Activity 1: Sharing Miracle Moments From Miracles Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Newsprint with definition(s) of a miracle generated by the group Preparation for Activity Post the definition(s) of a miracle that the group has generated. Prepare to share, in a phrase or sentence, a “miracle moment”... Activity 2: Story – Luís and Mika From Miracles Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, “Luís and Mika” Preparation for Activity Read and prepare to tell the story. Description of Activity Read the story aloud to the group, and allow a few moments of silence. Then choose one or more of the following questions to... Activity 3: Climate Detectives – Tree Rings From Miracles Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 1, Tree Ring Analysis Optional: Clipboards and pencils Preparation for Activity Copy the handout. Read the scripted words in the Description of Activity.... Activity 4: Energy Quest From Miracles Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Post three sheets of blank newsprint with headings, “Sources of Energy,” “Means of Transportation,” and “Earth-friendly Actions.” Description of Activity Have participants brainstorm... Activity 5: Environmental Impact Game From Miracles Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 2, Environmental Impact Game – Map Handout 3, Environmental Impact Game – Instructions Paper and pencils Optional: Prizes for all participants Preparation for Activity Read the Description of Activity, Handout 2, and Handout 3 to make sure... Closing From Miracles Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Taking It Home Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Choose a closing song; if you like, invite a musical volunteer to help lead. Or, choose a closing reading. If needed, write song lyrics or closing words on newsprint, and... Leader Reflection and Planning From Miracles Reflect together on the session. You may wish to use these questions: How was our mix of discussion and action? How well did the timing of this session work out? How well did participants understand and engage with spiritual concepts? How can we tell?... Faith In Action: Re-use and Recycle Drive From Miracles Materials for Activity Collection bin(s) Poster board or a roll of mural, markers, and paint Preparation for Activity Arrange a site for collection bins in the congregational building. Arrange for a congregational volunteer or staff member to monitor the collection bins for the duration of your... Alternate Activity 1: Make an Anemometer From Miracles Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 1, How to Make an Anemometer Five 3 oz.... Alternate Activity 2: Recycle It! From Miracles Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Cleaned, used items to be repurposed, e.g., socks, other clothing/fabric, buttons, coffee containers, paper towel tubes, non-recyclable bottles or cans, newspapers, greeting cards Arts and crafts materials and tools, e.g., thread and needles (needs... Taking It Home: Miracles We Can Make From Miracles Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species—man--acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world. — Rachel Carson IN TODAY’S SESSION… we discussed global climate change and explored a Unitarian Universalists call to be good stewards of the... Luís and Mika From Miracles Luís lived in the Arctic Circle with his parents who were researching the effects of global warming. Luís wondered about that as he went out for a walk. He didn’t think there was much global warming going on today. It didn’t feel warm to Luís, who was bundled up in a snowsuit, mittens, hat,... Handout 1: Tree Ring Analysis From Miracles Tree rings tell us about the tree’s life. Each ring tells the story of a year. If you see a small ring, there was little rain that year. If you see a large ring, it shows a year when the tree grew a lot. Start from the middle, the tree’s first year. Count the rings. How old was this tree when it... Handout 2: Environmental Impact Game - Map From Miracles Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Handout 3: Environmental Impact Game – Instructions From Miracles You have a busy day planned, with chores and visits all over your community: Return 10 large books to LIBRARY. Deliver a donation of used clothing, in a large duffel bag, to UU CONGREGATION. Go to FRIEND’S HOUSE to meet their new pet. Buy a week’s worth of groceries for your family at the... Leader Resource 1: How to Make an Anemometer From Miracles From the Climate Kids pages of the website of the Southeast Regional Climate Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; used with permission. Find Out More From Miracles Find hands-on games, activities, and resources on the Climate Kids pages of the website of the Southeast Regional Climate Center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Miracles NEXT: Introduction Download all of Miracles (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.