Session 6: The Miracle of Social Change Part of Miracles, Wide Age Span In This Section Introduction From Miracles Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. — Harriet Tubman (c. 1820-1913), abolitionist and Underground Railroad conductor ...[E]ach of us can work to change a small portion... Session-at-a-Glance From Miracles Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Sharing Miracle Moments 5 Activity 2: Story – Loaves and Fishes 10 Activity 3: We Need a Miracle 15 Activity 4: The Ripple Effect 15 Faith In Action: Transforming Communities with Food Distribution Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Story – A Lamp in Every... Spiritual Preparation From Miracles Set aside five minutes before the session. Sit comfortably and take three deep breaths to center yourself. Bring your thoughts to some of the major, positive changes that have transformed the world in which we live. The end of apartheid in South Africa. Civil rights movements in the U.S.... Opening From Miracles Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice and LED/battery-operated candle Optional: Opening words on newsprint Preparation for Activity If needed, write the opening words on newsprint, and post. Description of Activity Gather in a circle around the chalice.... Activity 1: Sharing Miracle Moments From Miracles Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Newsprint with definition(s) of a miracle generated by the group in previous sessions Preparation for Activity Post the definition(s) of a miracle generated by the group in previous sessions.... Activity 2: Story – Loaves and Fishes From Miracles Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, “Loaves and Fishes” Leader Resource 1, Loaves and Fishes Skit Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Simple props Optional: Leader Resource 2, Loaves and Fishes – The Real Miracle Preparation for Activity Read the story,... Activity 3: We Need a Miracle From Miracles Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Illustrated news magazines Optional: Computer(s) with Internet access Preparation for Activity Gather a variety of current news magazines that depict and describe hunger; homelessness; terrorist acts and armed conflict;... Activity 4: The Ripple Effect From Miracles Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Large, shallow bowl or basin Cooking oil Rubber duck or other small, floating object A few stones of different sizes Newspaper or plastic, and towels Preparation for Activity Cover the floor or a work table with newspaper or plastic.... Closing From Miracles Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Taking It Home Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Choose a closing song; if you like, invite a musical volunteer to help lead. Or, choose a closing reading. If needed, write song lyrics or closing words on newsprint, and... Leader Reflection and Planning From Miracles Reflect together on the session. You may wish to use these questions: How was our mix of discussion and action? How well did the timing of this session work out? How well did participants understand and engage with spiritual concepts? How can we tell?... Faith In Action: Transforming Communities with Food Distribution From Miracles Preparation for Activity Research local opportunities to assist in food sharing. Plan how you will work with a local agency or organization to conduct a food drive, volunteer at a food redistribution (or food recovery or gleaning) service, help at a community garden, or work for a Community... Alternate Activity 1: Story – A Lamp in Every Corner From Miracles Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, “A Lamp in Every Corner” Preparation for Activity Read the story and prepare to read or tell it to the group. Description of Activity This story tells how a community transformed itself, building a church with the efforts of... Taking It Home: The Miracle of Social Change From Miracles Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. — Harriet Tubman (c. 1820-1913), abolitionist and Underground Railroad conductor [E]ach of us can work to change a small portion of... Loaves and Fishes From Miracles From Christian scripture, John 6:1-19, New Revised Standard Version (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1990). A large crowd kept following [Jesus], because they saw the signs that he was doing for the sick. Jesus went up the mountain and sat down there with his disciples.... A Lamp in Every Corner From Miracles By Janeen K. Grohsmeyer, in her book A Lamp in Every Corner: Our Unitarian Universalist Storybook (Boston: Unitarian Universalist Association, 2004).... Leader Resource 1: Loaves and Fishes Skit From Miracles “The Story of the Loaves and the Fishes,” adapted by Patti Walzer, M.Ed. Narrator: Wherever Jesus went, thousands of followers would come to hear him teach and to be healed of sickness. He and his disciples decided to escape awhile so that they could rest together undisturbed by the crowds of... Leader Resource 2: Loaves and Fishes – The Real Miracle From Miracles Excerpts from Gil Bailie’s discussion of the Miracle of Fish and Loaves, in Violence Unveiled: Humanity at the Crossroads (New York: Crossroad, 1995). …Jesus seems to have found the popular appetite for miracles exasperating. At times he fled from crowds looking for a miracle worker, and he... Find Out More From Miracles Loaves and Fishes In a sermon delivered in March, 2008 to the Unitarian Universalist Society of Cleveland, the Rev. Colin Bossen talks about the miracle of community transformation. He writes, in part: The story [Loaves and Fishes] is usually interpreted to highlight Jesus's miracle making... 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