Workshop 7: Isaiah - Exile and Hope Part of Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures In This Section Introduction From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Despair? Did someone say despair was a question in the world? Well, then listen to the sons of those who have known little else if you wish to know the resiliency of this thing you would so quickly resign to mythhood, this thing called the human spirit. — Lorraine Hansberry (1930 — 1965),... Workshop-at-a-Glance From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 5 Activity 1: The Ugly Duckling 15 Activity 2: Isaiah — Exile and Hope 15 Activity 3: Retelling the Story 10 Activity 4: Explaining Small Group Options 5 Activity 5: Discussion — Option 1 25 Activity 6: It Gets Better — Option 2 25 Activity 7:... Spiritual Preparation From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures The "suffering servant" passage is often quoted in a Christian context as passage foretelling the coming of the Messiah. This workshop approaches the passage in its own context and on its own terms, not from the meaning later assigned to it by Christian theologians. If you are familiar with this... Welcoming and Entering From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Materials for Activity Name tags, durable or single use Bold markers Sign-in sheet and pen/pencil Small table Optional: Refreshments Preparation for Activity Create a sign-up sheet with columns for name, address, phone, and e-mail information and place it on the table.... Opening From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice, candle and lighter, or LED battery-operated candle Stand or table space for the chalice Decorative covering for chalice stand Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Prepare a welcoming space, including comfortable seating... Activity 1: The Ugly Duckling From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, "The Ugly Duckling" Preparation for Activity Print the story and practice reading it aloud. Description of Activity Read or tell the story.... Activity 2: Isaiah - Exile and Hope From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, "Isaiah - Exile and Hope" Leader Resource 1, Isaiah - Exile and Hope Background Information Preparation for Activity Print the story and practice reading it aloud. Print Leader Resource 1, Isaiah - Exile and Hope Background... Activity 3: Retelling the Story From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "Isaiah - Exile and Hope" Preparation for Activity Familiarize yourself with the story so you can guide a dramatized retelling. Recruit three readers to read the three voices of Isaiah: the Encouraging Voice, the Despairing Voice, and the... Activity 4: Explaining Small Group Options From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity List the small group options and their locations on newsprint and post. Description of Activity Explain options for small processing groups and point out breakout spaces.... Activity 5: Discussion - Option 1 From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Description of Activity Write these questions on newsprint and post: Why is this story preserved? What were they trying to teach with this story? What is it that we can learn? Write these definitions of "redeem" on... Activity 6: It Gets Better - Option 2 From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Meg Riley’s “It Gets Better” video Chris Tuttle's "Kermit the Frog's It Gets Better" video Computer with Internet access Optional: Cell phone that records video or other video recording equipment Preparation for Activity Familiarize yourself... Activity 7: The Prophet's Scrolls - Option 3 From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity 12 X 18-inch drawing paper, one for each participant Packing tape Scissors One-inch dowels, two 15-inch lengths for each person Calligraphy pens or fine point markers Preparation for Activity Set out materials. Make a sample scroll. Description of... Alternate Activity 1: Creating a Multigenerational Musical Reflection From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 25 minutes Materials for Activity Selection of child-friendly musical instruments, such as harmonicas, drums, tambourines, castanets, harmonicas, bells and kazoos Preparation for Activity Be sure that there are at least two adults or youth to meet with this breakout group. Set out... Closing From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Leader Resource 2, Creating the Closing Worship Taking It Home handout Chalice, candle and lighter, or LED battery-operated candle Stand or table space for the chalice Decorative covering for chalice stand Newsprint, markers, and tape Recording of... Leader Reflection and Planning From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Take a few minutes to talk with your co-facilitator about how the workshop went, using these questions as a guide: What went well? What surprised us as facilitators? Amazed us? Challenged us? How did this workshop strengthen multigenerational community?... Faith In Action: Making it Better Now From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Materials for Activity Computer and Internet connection Preparation for Activity Explore the Making it Better Now videos produced by the UUA's Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. Talk with youth group advisors and leaders, the RE Committee, the minister, the interweave group, OWL... Taking It Home: Isaiah - Exile and Hope From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Despair? Did someone say despair was a question in the world? Well, then listen to the sons of those who have known little else if you wish to know the resiliency of this thing you would so quickly resign to mythhood, this thing called the human spirit. — Lorraine Hansberry (1930 — 1965),... Isaiah - Exile and Hope From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah 52: 1-2, 13-15; 53: 1-8, 54: 2-4, 7-8 (New Revised Standard Version) Awake, awake, Put on your strength O Zion! Put on your beautiful garments... Shake yourself from the dust and rise up, O captive Jerusalem; Loose the bonds from your neck, O captive daughter Zion! ... See, my servant will... The Ugly Duckling From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures This story is abridged from one published by Hans Christian Anderson in 1844 and translated by H.P. Paull in 1872. (Hans Christian Anderson: Fairy Tales and Stories).It was lovely summer weather in the country. A duck was on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch. At length one shell... Leader Resource 1: Isaiah: Exile and Hope Background Information From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures This workshop presents a different kind of story from the Hebrew scriptures. It is not a story in the strict sense of the word, but poetic writings from the book of Isaiah, words that comforted a desolate and despairing people in exile. These words, often referred to as the "suffering servant"... Leader Resource 2: Creating the Closing Worship From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures In this program, the closing worship circle offers a time for the group to come back together to enrich each other's understanding of the story and of their own life experience. This is not a show-and-tell experience, but rather a participatory, co-created worship experience. You will need to do... Find Out More From Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures Read the reflections of two contemporary Unitarian Universalist theologians, Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker and John A. Buehrens, on suffering and hope in A House for Hope: The Promise of Progressive Religion for the Twenty-First Century (Boston: Beacon Press, 2010).... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures NEXT: Introduction Download all of Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.