Activity 1: Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Print the story and practice reading it aloud.
  • Print Leader Resource 1, Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham Background Information, and prepare to briefly present the information. Make copies for interested participants to take home.
  • Print a copy of Leader Resource 2, Judean Desert Well Photograph.

Description of Activity

Using the information in Leader Resource 1, Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham Background Information, briefly set the stage for the story. Keep the background information brief, and offer copies of Leader Resource 1 to those who wish to take it home.

Explain that the people in the story live in the desert, where they herd sheep and goats. Invite participants to tell you what desert conditions are like, being sure that they understand that there are plenty of rocks and rough terrain in the desert. Ask, "Where do people find water to drink in a dry wilderness area such as this?" Show Leader Resource 2, Judean Desert Well Photograph.

Read the story aloud.