Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures: A Multigenerational Program

Activity 6: Newscasts from Jericho - Option 2

Activity time: 25 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Paper and pens/pencils
  • Microphone or similar object to be used as a prop for news casting
  • Optional: Video camera for capturing the newscasts

Description of Activity

Invite participants to pretend that there was television news coverage in Joshua and Rahab's day. Explain that different members of your group are going to plan to report on the events in the story from both inside and outside the walls of Jericho. Invite some participants to create the "outside the walls" scenario, including a reporter interviewing Joshua and his troops. Invite some participants to create the "inside the walls" scenario, including a reporter interviewing the spies, Rahab, and other residents of Jericho. Ask both the "inside the walls" group and the "outside the walls" group to gather in their groups for ten minutes to compose some good reporter questions and rehearse their interviews. After ten minutes, stage your newscast, alternating "inside the walls" interviews with "outside the walls" interviews, using a microphone or similar prop. You may wish to videotape the entire newscast.

At the conclusion of the newscasts, compare the thoughts and feelings of the different groups. How did their descriptions of the same events differ from one another? If you have videotaped the newscast, decide how you will share it with the congregation.