Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures: A Multigenerational Program

Faith In Action: Bread for Everyone

Preparation for Activity

  • Investigate your congregation's involvement with programs that provide food for those in need and talk with appropriate people within your congregation about how a multigenerational group might offer help.
  • Invite a guest from your congregation who is actively involved in the work of providing food for those in need. Choose a guest who can speak easily with people of all ages. Do not overlook your congregation's youth, elders, or young adults when deciding whom to invite.

Description of Activity

Invite your guest(s) to share the story of the congregation's work to provide food for those in need. Ask the person to explain how this work is connected to their Unitarian Universalist faith.

With your group, plan a way to help with the project. You might arrange a day for sorting canned goods, or cook a needed meal together, or perform another service to contribute to the congregation's efforts.

Arrange for your group to publish reflections about the experience through your congregation's newsletter, website, or other venue.