Workshop 7: Gather in Thanks Part of Gather the Spirit In This Section Introduction From Gather the Spirit The natural response to genuinely-felt gratitude is generosity. — Rev. William Metzger, UU Minister, from a sermon, "Gratitude and Generosity," delivered at First Unitarian Church, Philadelphia , March 4, 2007 This workshop helps participants connect the concepts of gratitude and generosity. Workshop-at-a-Glance From Gather the Spirit Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Song — From You I Receive 10 Activity 2: Story — The Dog at the Well 10 Activity 3: River Scene — Gratitude and Generosity Rainstorm Symbols 10 Activity 4: Spiritual Circle of Thanks 15 Faith in Action: Congregation Gratitude and Generosity Closing 5... Spiritual Preparation From Gather the Spirit In the moment before this session begins, with all your preparations complete, find a quiet spot to sit and meditate on gratitude—for life itself, and especially for the abundance of water resources and opportunities for stewardship in your own life.... Opening From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Clear bowl to serve as a chalice Cup of water A small, hardy plant (such as a spider plant or shamrock plant) Newsprint, markers and tape Optional: Gather the Spirit blog access instructions Optional: Music and music player Optional: Small table... Activity 1: Song - From You I Receive From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Preparation for Activity Review the song "From You I Receive", Hymn 402 in Singing the Living Tradition. If you are not comfortable leading the song, invite a musical... Activity 2: Story - The Dog at the Well From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "The Dog in the Well" Preparation for Activity Familiarize yourself with the story. Description of Activity Say that now you will share a story called "The Dog at the Well" which comes from the Muslim religion.... Activity 3: River Scene - Gratitude and Generosity Rainstorm Symbols From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity River Scene mural (Workshop 1, Activity 2) Leader Resource 1, Raindrop Template Leader Resource 2, Cloud and Lightning Bolt Templates Stiff blue, yellow, and white paper Scissors, including left-handed scissors Fine-tipped markers in various colors... Closing From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Taking It Home handout Clear bowl to serve as a chalice A small, hardy plant (such as a spider plant or shamrock plant) Optional: Small table Optional: Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity Adapt Taking It Home for your group. Prepare... Leader Reflection and Planning From Gather the Spirit Meet with your co-leaders after the workshop to reflect on it. How was your mix of discussion and action? In the midst of the busy-ness, did you successfully include spiritual elements? Are participants growing in their understanding of the need to protect and equitably share the Earth's water... Faith In Action: Congregation Gratitude and Generosity From Gather the Spirit Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Optional: Templates (Leader Resources 1 and 2), paper, scissors (including left-handed scissors) and fine-tipped markers in assorted colors for making raindrops, clouds and lightning bolts (Activity 3, River Scene - Gratitude and Generosity... Alternate Activity 1: Water Drop Competition From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Plastic cups A pitcher of water Food coloring Eye droppers or spoons Wax paper Straws Newspaper or tarp to cover floor Preparation for Activity Prepare an area where participants can safely have fun with water. Cover any carpet or other vulnerable... Alternate Activity 2: Boat Float Competition From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Paper muffin-baking liners Marbles Pans or bowls filled with water, one for each team Newspaper or tarp to cover floor Preparation for Activity In an area where participants can splash some water, cover carpet or other vulnerable surface with a tar... Alternate Activity 3: Thank You Letters From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Paper and pencils/pens Description of Activity Invite participants to write overdue thank you letters. As you distribute paper and pencils/pens, ask them to think of someone in their life whom they might thank. If participants cannot think of a... Alternate Activity 4: Great Quotes From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers and tape Preparation for Activity If you will present the quotations below, write them on newsprint and post. Description of Activity Ask groups of three or four, of mixed ages, to create their own wise quotations about gratitude. Activity 4: Spiritual Circle of Thanks From Gather the Spirit Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Clear plastic glasses and a pitcher of clear, cool water Rainstorm symbols (Activity 3, River Scene - Gratitude and Generosity Rainstorm Symbols) Optional: Quiet, instrumental music and a music player Preparation for Activity Fill pitcher(s) with... Taking It Home From Gather the Spirit The natural response to genuinely-felt gratitude is generosity. — Rev. William Metzger, UU Minister, from a sermon, "Gratitude and Generosity," First Unitarian Church, Philadelphia, March 4, 2007 IN TODAY'S WORKSHOP... We talked about the two-part cycle of gratitude and generosity. A person... The Dog at the Well From Gather the Spirit Permission to use "The Dog at the Well" in this curriculum granted by Marilyn McFarlane, author of Sacred Myths: Stories of World Religions (Sibyl Publications, 1996). One day Muhammad told his friends and followers a story about a thirsty man, a well, and a dog.... Leader Resource 1: Raindrop Template From Gather the Spirit Leader Resource 2: Cloud and Lightning Bolt Templates From Gather the Spirit Find Out More From Gather the Spirit Gratitude In a Spring, 2007 UU World article, "The Heart of Our Faith," Rev. Galen Guengerich, All Souls Church, New York, makes a case for a Unitarian Universalist theology based on gratitude. He writes, "(Gratitude) is the means by which we remember both our identity and our duty." In a related... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Gather the Spirit NEXT: Introduction Download all of Gather the Spirit (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.