Session 5: Forgiveness Part of Moral Tales, Grades 2-3 In This Section Introduction From Moral Tales If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we would find in each person's life, sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow This session introduces the concept of forgiveness. In our quest to discover what is morally good and just, forgiveness gives... Session-at-a-Glance From Moral Tales Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 2 Activity 1: Gems of Goodness 5 Activity 2: Story Basket and Centering 5 Activity 3: Story — Mussa and Nagib 8 Activity 4: Processing the Story 10 Activity 5: Writing in Sand 12 Activity 6: Etching in Stone 13 Activity 7: Clean-up 3 Faith in... Spiritual Preparation From Moral Tales Forgiveness is one of the most challenging and yet rewarding spiritual tasks we will encounter in our lifetimes. We all hold grudges in our hearts at one time or another that ultimately hurt our wellbeing, and disconnect us from others. To prepare for this session you may wish to do a short... Welcoming and Entering From Moral Tales Materials for Activity Mosaic gemstones, at least three per participant A colorful cloth A small notebook, approximately two by three inches, and a marker for each child who is new to the Gems of Goodness project Optional: Stick-on gems or other stickers for children who are new to the Gems of... Opening From Moral Tales Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle Lighter and extinguisher, if needed Newsprint, markers, and tape Preparation for Activity Decide whether you will use the provided opening words, an adaptation of Reading 418 in Singing the Living... Activity 1: Gems Of Goodness From Moral Tales Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Clear glass jar or vase Small notebooks, approximately 2"x3", for any newcomers Markers and stick-on gems or other stickers for children who are new to the Gems of Goodness project Copies of the Session 2, Leader Resource 2, Gems of Goodness Letter ... Activity 2: Story Basket And Centering From Moral Tales Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity A large basket A chime, a rain stick, or another calming sound instrument Story theater, made using Leader Resource 1, Story Theater Newsprint, markers, and tape Optional: Box or small table and a cloth cover Optional: A globe or a world map Optiona... Activity 3: Story - Mussa And Nagib From Moral Tales Activity time: 8 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story, "Mussa and Nagib" Story theater, made using Leader Resource 1, Story Theater Newsprint, markers, and tape A chime, a rain stick, or another calming sound instrument Preparation for Activity Read the story a few times. Consider... Activity 4: Processing The Story From Moral Tales Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story theater Optional: A copy of Leader Resource 2, Quick Stretch Exercises Preparation for Activity The children will remain seated in the storytelling area for this discussion.... Activity 5: Writing In Sand From Moral Tales Activity time: 12 minutes Materials for Activity Play sand Paper plates and paint brushes for all participants A large roasting pan or an open box with low sides Preparation for Activity Obtain play sand or art sand. The Leader Resources section suggests some sources. Place paint brushes on work... Activity 6: Etching In Stone From Moral Tales Activity time: 13 minutes Materials for Activity Air-drying modeling clay Pencils or toothpicks for all participants Paper plates and plastic sandwich bags for all participants Preparation for Activity Purchase modeling clay that will air-dry (see Leader Resources). Make sure pencils have soft tips. Activity 7: Clean-up From Moral Tales Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Plastic tubs or baskets to store markers, pens, stickers and other art materials Waste basket lined with a bag Bag(s) for recycling paper products and/or empty plastic containers Optional: Industrial broom or vacuum cleaner Preparation for Activity... Closing From Moral Tales Activity time: 2 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Moral Compass poster A bold marker, or a piece of card stock and tape or a stapler Optional: One copy of Singing the Living Tradition Optional: Music CD or tape, and music player Optional: A guitar, piano. or other... Leader Reflection and Planning From Moral Tales Take a few minutes to evaluate the session with your co-leader immediately afterward, while it is fresh. Share your thoughts with any other team teachers and your director of religious education. You might find it helpful to consider these questions: Which activities worked well?... Faith In Action: Long-term - Protecting Seals, Awareness/Fundraising From Moral Tales Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Multiple sheets of poster board or large, blank sheets of paper Optional: Magazines with pictures of baby seals, scissors (including left-handed scissors) and tape or glue Color markers A copy of the story, "The Wounded... Alternate Activity 1: Candles Of Joys And Sorrows From Moral Tales Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Large container, such as ceramic or metal bowl Play sand (can be found at local hardware store) or unscented cat litter Large number of candles Basket for candles Matches or lighter Preparation for Activity Fill your container with the play sand or... Alternate Activity 2: Quick Stretch From Moral Tales Activity time: 3 minutes Materials for Activity Copy of Leader Resource 2, Quick Stretch Exercises Preparation for Activity Review Leader Resource, Quick Stretch Exercises and prepare to demonstrate and lead the stretch exercises.... Alternate Activity 3: Making Shoe Box Theaters To Take Home From Moral Tales Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Shoe boxes for all participants Masking tape Play sand, modeling clay, blue paper, glue, toothpicks, and color markers for participants A copy of Leader Resource 4, Take-Home Story Theater Sealable, plastic sandwich bags, two for each participant... Alternate Activity 4: Retelling the Story in Pairs From Moral Tales Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity The story theater Preparation for Activity Set the story theater on a low table, away from where the large group is working. Set two child-sized chairs in front of the theater.... Taking It Home: Forgiveness From Moral Tales If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we would find in each person's life, sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow IN TODAY'S SESSION... The children heard a story about two friends who journey across the desert.... Story 1 Mussa and Nagib From Moral Tales Adapted from a story by Malba Tahan (pen name for Julio Cesar de Mello e Souza, 1895-1975), a mathematician from Brazil who also wrote The Man Who Counted (Editoria Record, 2001), which was first published in Brazil in 1949.Once, two friends named Mussa and Nagib made a journey through the mounta... Leader Resource 1: Story Theater From Moral Tales Before you make your story theater, read the story, "Mussa and Nagib," to get a sense of the action in the story, and to figure out how big a story theater you need. Remember, you will need enough room to write certain words in sand and in clay. A large shoe box with the top and one long side... Leader Resource 2: Quick Stretch Exercises From Moral Tales In this quick "get the wiggles out" activity, you will lead the children in a short series of stretching and breathing exercises. Begin standing with arms at your sides. Ask the children to breath in as they bring their arms slowly out to the sides and then up overhead.... Leader Resource 3: Faith In Action Letters to Parents From Moral Tales Here are two sample letters to engage parents' help in (1) the children's retelling of "The Wounded Seal" or (2) a fundraising bake sale to help an organization working to protect seals from hunting. Customize as you wish for the long-term Faith in Action project you plan to do. Dear Parents, The... Leader Resource 4: Take-Home Story Theater From Moral Tales You will need: Shoe boxes or large, flat pieces of cardboard for all participants Play sand Modeling clay Blue paper, and scissors Glue Toothpicks, three or four for each participant Color markers Sealable, plastic sandwich bags, two for each participant Cut the sides down from one side of each b... Find Out More About Forgiveness From Moral Tales A quotation from Henri-Dominique Lacordaire, a 19th-century preacher, journalist and French politician, may help you think further about forgiveness: Do you want to be happy for a moment? Then seek revenge. Do you want to be happy forever? Then grant forgiveness.... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Moral Tales NEXT: Introduction Download all of Moral Tales (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.