Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3

Leader Resource 1: Hi, My Name's Joe Script

Leader: "Hi, my name's Joe." (Wave one hand and continue waving.)

Participants: (Repeat words and keep the movement going.))

Leader: "I've got a wife and three kids and I work in a button factory." (Continue movement.)

Participants: (Repeat words and keep the movement going.)

Leader: "Hi. My name's Joe. I've got a wife and three kids and I work in a button factory. One day my boss came in and said, 'Joe, can you do this?' (Move your other hand as if turning a dial. Keep both movements going.) "I said, 'Sure.'"

Participants: (Repeat words and add new movements.)

Leader: "Hi. My name's Joe. I have a wife and three kids and I work in a button factory. One day the boss came in and said, 'Joe can you do this?' (Add a movement with swirling hips around as if with a hula hoop.) "I said, 'Sure.'"

Participants: (Repeat words and add movement.)

Leader: "Hi. My name's Joe. I have a wife and three kids and I work in a button factory. One day the boss came in and said, 'Joe can you do this?' (Add movement of tapping one foot.) "I said, 'Sure.'"

Participants:( Repeat words and add new movements.)

Leader: "Hi. My name's Joe. I have a wife and three kids and I work in a button factory. One day the boss came in and said, 'Joe, can you do this?' (Add shaking head up and down as if to say yes.) "I said, 'Sure.'"

Participants: (Repeat and add new movement.)

Leader: "Hi. My name's Joe. I have a wife and three kids and I work in a button factory. One day the boss came in and said, 'Joe, can you do this?' (Bend knees as you do the other movements). "I said, 'Sure.'"

Participants: (Repeat words and movements.)

Leader: Hi. My name's Joe. I have a wife and three kids and I work in a button factory. One day the boss came in and he said, 'Joe, can you do anything else?' And I said, 'NOOOOOOOO!' (Throw up hands and collapse in a squat or sitting position on the floor.)

Participants: (Repeat words and movement.)