Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3

Activity 4: "Hi, My Name's Joe"

Activity time: 5 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Make sure you have enough open floor space for this movement activity.
  • Read and practice the Leader Resource, "Hi, My Name is Joe" Script several times to get comfortable with leading the combined words and movements.

Description of Activity

Have the children stand as they are able, in a semi-circle with space between them so they will not bump. Arrange for the leader who will lead this activity to stand in front of the children where all can see his/her movements.

This is "a get your wiggles out" stretch activity in which the children mimic everything that the teacher says and does. It is a cumulative activity in which the children end up moving so many body parts at once that they can't go on and stay standing. This activity provides a fun, kinesthetic break between sedentary activities. They are also pretending to be a character that works as long and as hard as he can before saying, "Enough!"

Tell the children that you will lead a movement activity in which they will copy exactly what you say and do. To give them a practice example, you may say, "Hi my name is ______ (your name)," and wave at the same time. Repeat until they all get the idea.

Use the Leader Resource, "Hi, My Name Is Joe" Script.

Including All Participants

This activity can be modified to be done from a chair. If some children will be seated, lead the activity from a seated position, even if other children will be standing.