Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Sing to the Power: A Social Justice Program for Children Grades 4-5

Activity 3: "Our Place" Brainstorm

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint and markers

Preparation for Activity

  • Post blank newsprint.

Description of Activity

We can most effectively help others when we have a clear sense of our own gifts and resources. This activity invites participants to brainstorm what it is that they might have to offer based on their individual and group knowledge and talents, and the resources available in their congregation.

Use the prompt questions provided below. Write down the answers participants give, or invite a volunteer to serve as recorder.

  • What do you think is special about our congregation?
  • What things do you think you could teach someone else to do?
  • What do your friends like best about you?
  • What challenging things have you accomplished?
  • What challenging things has our congregation accomplished?

You may wish to leave this brainstorm list posted on the wall as a reminder for future sessions or as inspiration for possible social justice projects.

Including All Participants

Make sure that those who need time to respond or are shy to jump in have a chance to be heard.