Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Sing to the Power: A Social Justice Program for Children Grades 4-5

Session 12: The Power of Reaching Out - Find Out More

The website for the Side with Love campaign (formerly called Standing on the Side of Love, offers ideas and resources for getting involved with other UUs in standing up for justice for immigrants, marriage equality, and other issues of concern to UUs.

See the Summer 2012 Family pages insert in UU World Magazine for two stories of Unitarian Universalist action and witness to stand with immigrant families, and activities to do with an RE group or at home.

The Winter 2017 Family pages in UU World explore the importance of “sanctuary” to our well being, with stories of refugee immigration and the Underground Railroad.

View, sign, and "share" a variety of petitions and create your own on the and The Petition Site websites.