Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Signs of Our Faith: A Program about Being UU Every Day for Grades 2-3

Find out More About Signs of Caring

Generation On, an affiliate of the multi-city Hands On Network, has a Kids Care Club website that lists service projects appropriate for young people to expand their circle of caring out into the world.

To help children becoming caring individuals, we need to develop their compassion and empathy. Hear a TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) by Buddhist teacher Joan Halifax on the nature of compassion and why we must cultivate it in our children.

The UUA's Tapestry of Faith curricula offer many activities and reflections to develop caring, compassion, and empathy. Look in Moral Tales (Session 8, Do Unto Others), Toolbox of Faith (Session 13, Love), and the three children's curricula whose themes are love: Love Surrounds Us, Love Will Guide Us, and Love Connects Us.